So check it out it' #2 of two annual sales.
Oh and they serve free breakfast tomorrow morning! Giving you all the energy you'll need to run around that show room :)
So when I saw these I was automatically's like your Modern Dominican! It's my grandmother, my mother and now me with a modern twist! I love it! Introducing Nambe'!
"The proprietary eight-metal aluminum-based alloy has the luster of silver and the solidity of iron. It can be preheated to 500 degrees or chilled in the freezer; this coupled with its superior temperature retention properties makes Nambé Alloy markedly useful for cooking and serving. "
and yup, I sure did register for all of the above so go forth and purchase freely lol....warning: Honestly, they're rediculously expensive (ie. that salad bowl is over $200) but if you like and you can afford knock yourself out! I only registered on the off chance that someone would actually purchase a piece :)