Easter Sunday fell on my first anniversary :) I am proud to say, after many years of talking all the b-s I could talk I gave him the one thing I knew would mean more to him than anything. I changed my name.
It was literally my plan E! I wanted to keep with tradition and make it a paper or watch themed gift, but its a saying that you never get a man a watch
because he'll never have time for you, so that was out. My
husbands favorite musical artist was in town so I tried getting him tickets (he had class that night), his favorite comedian came into town (he'd seen him and
didn't want to go again),
Buccaneer tickets went on sale (good seats were out of my budget), and etc, etc, etc...he was NOT making this easy.
I REALLY felt like this needed to be symbolic of how much he means to me, romantic, and all things "love" like, so the only other thing I could think of was my last name. I started the process 2 weeks before our anniversary. I drove 45 minutes away to the SS office, the next day I went to the Licensing office...I was NOT prepared for signing my new name on the spot! I honestly thought I'd get to keep my signature
lol... from there I called all my credit card companies, visited my banks and changed each and every account...mind you, during this time he
wasn't allowed to get the mail just in case it blew my cover.
In the end I ended up buying him some hair clippers he'd wanted,
cadbury eggs (because my husband thinks hes 6) and the license. I layered it all in a large box, license on the bottom, and wrapped an inch thick in bubble wrap. He loved his eggs, was excited for his expensive &^% clippers, but when he got the the license....it took him almost 5 minutes to unwrap it. He was speechless. That is exactly what I wanted. He was so touched... he said "I've never loved you more than I love you this very moment"... I've never been more proud of my self :)
The only 3 things a man should want to change in his woman:
(1) her address,
(2) her outlook on men,
and (3) her last name...check, check, and check!