I am very happy to announce that since our last encounter my husband has since been hired by a fire department and I have completed my first semester of law school :) They say marriage changes you and I have to say I agree. Since tying the knot I feel that much for motivated. I want to do that much more so that we can have a better life and for the future of our unborn (and un-conceived) kids. So I guess the change is a good thing...
Of course all of this new found motivation comes with its drawbacks... my husband now works 2 hours away (you gotta get in where you fit in) and I am out of the house Monday through Thursday from 8am-10pm with work and school, so we don't get to see each other much. And with that hectic schedule comes pushing back any thoughts of babies any time soon...which sucks but I'm hoping that all this hard work now will end in us playing hard later... sigh
But overall this first year and a half of marriage has been a great ride. I've seen my husband evolve, pursue his dreams and seen some of them become a reality... I've been able to start some of mine...Law student! That's insane! And we're doing it together and for each other and that's pretty awesome.